Somatic dance retreats welcomes you to a deeply sacred and playful gathering.


Amara Valley Nature Retreat, Girona

Thursday June 26th, 3pm 2024 - Sunday June 30th, 3pm 2024


A space where dancers can come together to be held in the transformation of dance, music and community.

A place to remember your soul’s purpose, embrace your body as a vessel of divinity and find your resonance with the heartbeat of the earth.

Join us for this weekend retreat and step into your fullest expression through the joy of dance.

No dance experience is necessary, all bodies and genders are welcome.

Our bodies themselves are ecotones, evolved and moulded into being by the tension between the landscapes of the past and the environmental conditions of the future.

~ Sophie Strand

Dear Dancing Soul

You will love this retreat if you are ready for …

Having a whole lot of fun within a like-minded dance community.

Transmuting emotion & stuck energy through somatic dance and movement.

Celebration and ceremony in nature.

An embodied sense of yourself as an ecosystem that is in constant conversation with the different bioregions of the earth.

Epically good tunes.

Listening to the whispers of your body to hear how it yearns for a deeper relationship and service to the earth, without feeling guilt or shame.

Relaxed time by the pool and chill time to enjoy your surroundings.

Delicious, nutritious, and densely nourishing food.

Life experiments and changes and flourishes in the places where bodies meet and dialogue with each other, asking questions, and mutually changing each other.

~ Sophie Strand

Imagine this…..

You wake up to the sound of birds, the sun is rising through your window, and you are surrounded by an ancient oak forest in the heart of Catalunya.

You spend an entire long weekend immersed in playful dance, epic music, community connection, relaxation and sweet soul nourishment, all while deepening your connection to the nature story you are.

We are dancing one another into existence. The trees delicately kiss our moss-like inner lung space with oxygen as they deeply inhale our carbon dioxide for glucose sustenance. It is a dance of reciprocity that happens thousands of times each day, this shaping one another into existence.

This is a retreat where we will playfully remember our divine dance with nature so that we can live in greater harmony with one another and the planet,

Are you ready to join us?

A sample of our daily schedule

  • 8 -10 am - Morning dance and embodiment exploration. 

  • 10.30  -11.30 - Delicious brunch

  • 11.30 - 3.00  - Free time to relax at the pool, walk amongst the ancient oaks, or book a massage

  • 3.00 - 6.00 - Afternoon sharing, dance and eco-somatic exploration

  • 6:30 - 7.30 Dinner and evening free time to Sauna, read in the library, or go for an evening stroll

  • The schedule is open to change depending on the group’s needs

Meet the Team

  • Sarsha Hope

    Sarsha has a gift for creating potent, shamanic, transformative and inclusive heart-centred spaces for our souls remembering. fondly known as embodiment portals they bring people into a deeper connection with themselves, each other and the living breathing felt sense of the earth.

    Sarsha Hope is the visionary and founder of Somatic Dance International Teacher Training’s, a groundbreaking program that trains highly skilled dance space holders and D’js. It seamlessly integrates somatic facilitation, DJ skills, ritual, energetics, and ecosomatics, all viewed through a trauma-informed lens. This unique methodology creates potent, finely-tuned dance containers.

    In this special retreat setting Sarsha will be focusing on sharing her wisdom around eco-somatics.; (the relationship between our own bodies and the body of the earth)

  • Stephen Blase

    Blase is a touring music artist, DJ and mentor with dynamic range and specialises in cultivating conscious dance spaces. He combines practical knowledge of music theory and Djing with embodied awareness of energy and somatics to create soundscapes that assist dancers to drop out of the mind and into the inherent wisdom of the body.

    He brings a wealth of embodiment knowledge into the space adding his unique flare to his training in Embodied Flow yoga, Somatic Trauma therapy and Ecstatic dance. 

    Together he and Sarsha hold a potent space for transformation through intentional enquiry, fun and of course, dance!

If you would like to pay with a direct transfer, then use these details:

Account holder: Sarsha Marie Hood


IBAN: BE28 9679 5066 3620

Please use your name and room as reference.

And please send us an email at info@sarshahope.com to confirm your space.

"Join us and spend the weekend in playful dance with a like-minded tribe that will transform you, if you let it."

The Expereince



    Find us on Google Maps: https://g.page/amaravalley


    15 mins from Banyoles

    45 mins from Girona

    100 mins from Barcelona


    There are reliable Teisa bus services running daily from Barcelona and Girona to Banyoles, the nearest town to Amara.

    You can find the bus timetables here: www.teisa-bus.com


    Taxis cost around 20€ per trip (depending on the time of day and week), which can be shared between participants. Taxis in Banyoles should be booked at least 48 hours in advance - this is important to communicate to your group!

    Taxis can also be arranged directly from Girona or Barcelona.

    We recommend contacting our preferred taxi service, Autocars Solà, who have a range of vehicles available including minibuses available for group bookings.

    Other Banyoles taxis are available if necessary.

  • This is a common question on our retreats and although yes this is a dance retreat you are invited to take things at your own pace.

    We also advise you to give yourself lots of self-care, during the retreat.

    If you have any injuries please let us know.

  • The cost of the retreat covers all activities, accommodation and all meals per day.

    You also get access to the grounds, quiet nooks and beautiful meditation spaces.

    It does not cover transport to and from the retreat centre and does not include massages and saunas.

CONTACT us to find out more